How can you understand if you have gingivitis or gum disease?

Gum disease is one of the most common causes of tooth loss even though it is very easy to prevent. Firstly, inflammation occurs in the gums. If this inflammation spreads, you may need to consult a periodontist. However, if you take care of your teeth and gums and look out for signs of gingivitis, you can avoid serious infection and tooth loss.

Symptoms of Gum disease

The health of your gums is as important as the health of your teeth. Healthy gums are the basis of healthy teeth and when your gums are not healthy; your teeth may loosen and fall. If you experience any symptoms indicating gum disease, you should consult your dentist for a detailed assessment.

  • Redness or shininess in the gum tissue,
  • Bleeding when you brush or floss,
  • A metallic taste in the mouth,
  • Bad breath.

Your periodontist checks your gums health by using special tools to measure the periodontal pocket depth of the gums during your regular visits. These pockets are usually one or two millimetres deep. If they are deeper, it may mean there is inflammation in your gums. You can reverse this condition by starting gum disease treatment.

Treatment of Gum disease

If you have gum disease, you need to visit a periodontist for treatment. A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in problems with the gums. Non-advanced gum inflammation can be treated easily with baking soda toothpaste, or mouthwashes specifically made for the treatment of gingivitis.

There is a deep cleaning procedure called planing and scaling, to treat gum disease. Periodontists use special tools to clean tartar build up beneath the gum line. In addition, the tooth roots are smoothened to remove uneven areas in which plaque and tartar can continue to form. However, if your gum disease is in a very severe stage, your periodontist may need to perform gum surgery. At the end of the operation, you can have healthy gums again.

If you have symptoms of inflammation in your gums, you can call our clinic and make an appointment.